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"Secure that the child begins by making perfect letters and is never allowed to make faulty ones, and the rest he will do for himself; as for 'a good hand,' do not hurry him; his 'handwriting' will come by-and-by... 

Set good copies before him, and see that he imitates his model dutifully: the writing lesson being not so many lines, or 'a copy'––that is, a page of writing––but a single line which is as exactly as possible a copy of the characters set. The child may have to write several lines before he succeeds in producing this.

A certain sense of possession and delight may be added to this exercise if children are allowed to choose for transcription their favourite verse in one poem and another." Charlotte Mason

Copywork is a simple introduction to handwriting, spelling, and composition.  Have children copy only the best authors, with the best writing, and ideas to fill their growing minds.  

In the early years copywork may only consist on one word.  As your student masters more and more words you may want to move on to a few words, and then eventually a few sentences or short paragraphs.  You can simply write the word or sentence on a piece of manuscript paper and have the student copy or trace it, depending on skill level.  As your students progress you may simply write their copywork on a white board for them to copy into a composition notebook.  Eventually they may prefer to choose their own passages directly from their reading.

A Child should Execute Perfectly. No work should be given to a child that he cannot execute perfectly, and then perfection should be required from him as a matter of course…Set him six strokes to copy; let him, not bring a slateful, but six perfect strokes, at regular distances and at regular slopes. If he produces a faulty pair, get him to point out the fault, and persevere until he has produced his task; if he does not do it to-day, let him go on to-morrow and the next day, and when the six perfect strokes appear, let it be an occasion of triumph. So with the little tasks of painting, drawing, or construction he sets himself--let everything he does be well done… Closely connected with this habit of 'perfect work' is that of finishing whatever is taken in hand. The child should rarely be allowed to set his hand to a new undertaking until the last is finished.”  Charlotte Mason

Now Available!


POEMS EVERY CHILD SHOULD KNOW                                                             in Cursive

 A D’Nealian Cursive copywork book with

Thirty-two original poems by various authors from Poems Every Child Should Know, Part I, edited by Mary E. Burt.  Each lesson includes the original poem to read followed by the poem in D’Nealian cursive with practice lines for handwriting practice.

Now Available!


Fifty Famous Stories Retold  in Cursive

A D’Nealian Cursive copywork book with Fifty original stories by James Baldwin.  All unabridged with original illustrations.  Each story includes an excerpt for handwriting practice in D’Nealian cursive with practice lines.

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homeschool copywork, copy work, charlott mason copywork, charlotte mason copy work, classical copywork, classical copy work, Aesop copywork, Aesop copy work, Aesop Fables, classical charlotte mason, charlotte mason, classical education, Ambleside Online, Ambleside copywork, Milo Winter, homeschool, home school, homeschool copywork, home school copy work, Aesop, Simply Charlotte Mason Copywork, A Delectable Education

The Aesop for Children, Story and Copywork Book, Volume I


Aesop’s Fables copywork book includes the original unabridged story, in two volumes, to be read prior the each copywork lesson.  No need to purchase the story book if you do not already own it. 


Read the passage, and in the child’s best handwriting, copy the example sentence on the lines provided paying close attention to capitalization and punctuation.


Every student does not have to complete each lesson in the book; or even an entire lesson in one day, depending on age and ability.  Choose the original stories and copywork lessons that work best for your family, not all may be suitable. Schedule chosen lessons over one or more years as desired.  


Volume I includes 73 unabridged stories and copywork lessons.

homeschool copywork, copy work, charlott mason copywork, charlotte mason copy work, classical copywork, classical copy work, Aesop copywork, Aesop copy work, Aesop Fables, classical charlotte mason, charlotte mason, classical education, Ambleside Online, Ambleside copywork, Milo Winter, homeschool, home school, homeschool copywork, home school copy work, Aesop, Simply Charlotte Mason Copywork, A Delectable Education

The Aesop for Children, Story and Copywork Book, Volume II


Aesop’s Fables copywork book includes the original unabridged story, in two volumes, to be read prior to each copywork lesson.  No need to purchase the story book if you do not already own it. 


Read the passage, and in the child’s best handwriting, copy the example sentence on the lines provided paying close attention to capitalization and punctuation.


Every student does not have to complete each lesson in the book; or even an entire lesson in one day, depending on age and ability.  Choose the original stories and copywork lessons that work best for your family, not all may be suitable. Schedule chosen lessons over one or more years as desired.  


Volume II includes 74 unabridged stories and copywork lessons.

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Aesop in Cursive, D'Nealian Cursive Copywork Book, Volume 1 includes seventy-three original unabridged fables by Aesop with illustrations by Milo Winter with D'Nealian style cursive copywork passages with adequate space to copy the moral of each story in your best handwriting.

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Aesop in Cursive, D'Nealian Cursive Copywork Book, Volume 2 includes seventy-four original unabridged fables by Aesop with illustrations by Milo Winter with D'Nealian style cursive copywork passages with adequate space to copy the moral of each story in your best handwriting.


Thank you Cathy Duffy for your kind review of our Story & Copywork books!

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